Formidable Sample Warning Letter For Tardiness

Dear _____________ Employee promptness is essential to serving our customers properly.
Sample warning letter for tardiness. Tardiness and excessive Absences. Although we do make allowances for. During our meeting I described to you the areas of your performance that need improvement.
The purpose of this sample warning letter for Absenteeism or Tardiness is to get. This written warning for tardiness is being issued to you for violation of our company policy on attendance. Dear Name of Employee.
Has remained unacceptable with several occasions of tardiness and absences. Sample warning letter to employee for tardiness You have shown a delay in work and there are work functions that you cannot do. Name of Employee.
Initial Written Warning Sample 2. Sample Written Warning for Tardiness. Reprimanding an employee is not an easy job.
Specifically you were tardy on the following dates. There are a couple ways that disciplinary action takes place either verbal or written. This pattern of attendance is unacceptable and I expect to improve your attendance immediately or.
Sample Warning Letter to Employee for Tardiness. Now the delay has turned into a troubling problem for these companies because it affects productivity. As such work warning letters concerning tardiness can be used to counteract those effects in the form of heading off any potential latecomers.