Beautiful Na Meeting Attendance Sheet

The above named individual is to attend alcoholics narcotics.
Na meeting attendance sheet. There is some differences of opinion on the issue where some groups dont believe in signing these cards as they believe it is a violation of the Sixth Tradition endorsing an outside enterprise. Meeting Attendance Sheet Author. Please share this information with any addict who uses asl.
_____ DateTime__________ Circle one. The signing sheet has is titled as na meeting attendance sheet. Address the support section or contact our support staff in the event that you ve got any questions.
After writing all the important information about the meeting you should mention the names of all those people whom you have sent the invitation of the meeting. Date Time Meeting Type Location Signature of Verifying Member General. When we use the terms meeting attendance card or court card we mean any one of an assortment of signature cards.
The applicant is expected to fill out all the columns with the. If you have not mentioned the agenda of the meeting then the whole meeting attendance sheet will be useless because it is the agenda which determines the strength of the meeting. Date name of group signature.
Beneath it is the blank intended to be filled by the head of the group. Attendance Record for Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous Meeting. To sign a aa na attendance sheet printable right from your iPhone or iPad just follow these brief guidelines.
Utilize the sign tool to add and create your electronic signature to certify the aa meeting sheet. We will appr eciate a member of the group signing this record of attendance at the END of each meeting. Aa na meeting attendance sheet date name of group signature.